Lallemand Belle Saison Ale Yeast, 11g

  • Lallemand Belle Saison yeast is the first and only true Saison yeast strain available in dry form. For those unfamiliar with Saison-style beers, they are considered the classic 'Farmhouse' beer style, with characteristic fruity, estery and spicy/peppery notes that are directly attributable to the Saison yeast strain. The unique fermentation of this style is notable; it is fermented very warm, with temperatures typically in the range of  59º - 95ºF (15º - 35ºC). This makes Saison an excellent choice for home brewing as no cooling is required, and in fact many brewers cover their fermenters with insulating blankets to capture the heat created during fermentation to promote flavor and aroma production. Saison is one of the fastest-growing styles in the craft brewing market with new variations such as Black Saison and Wit Saison being developed. Belle Saison yeast is a strong fermenter, with fast start-of fermentation time and great ethanol tolerance.

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